Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Korean Fashion Invation

Driving around the streets of Manila, seeing the wave of Korean teens walking around the local coffee shop to grab a frappe seems like a Fashion Show in the streets of Milano. I was like "Woah, they know how to dress up in such a hott weather EH?"

Kudos to them fashion forward Korean Men.

photo from

Vanity is not a CRIME!

Grooming for men has always been an important focus which is, most of the time, neglected. You don't have to be a metrosexual to look good, and the ladies would rather kiss a smooth face. Think of it.

So here's my top pics of products for Men's Grooming.

Facial Cleanser: Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser

Facial Exfoliate: Neutrogena Deep Clean Exfoliator

Shaving: Gillette Mach 3

Lip Care: Hawaiian Tropic Lip Balm